If you ever read a popular science article that
references papers, you’ll often see the phrase “peer-reviewed” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peer_review) Scientists typically only trust peer-reviewed
papers, but sometimes the public will accept papers that haven’t been
peer-reviewed. With the internet, any yahoo can post an article online. So what does this phrase mean?
Peer Review is the process by which scientific
papers get accepted and how the scientific community works in general. Basically, your
work isn't accepted until your peers agree with you.
Steps to Publishing your Article
Step 1: Send article to a journal.
Step 2: Article is read by an editor.
Step 3: Either the article is rejected or it
gets assigned reviewers.
Step 4: Paper is sent to 2-3 reviewers
carefully chosen by the editor.
Step 5: The reviewers anonymously send back
comments and recommend the article to be accepted or rejected.
Step 6: Author makes revisions if needed.
Step 7: Article is published!
Cartoon of the process: http://undsci.berkeley.edu/article/howscienceworks_16
Figure 1: An example reviewer. Would you like to be reviewed by this man?
Let’s take a closer look at Step 4: Choosing
editors: a complicated process. The reviewers are other professors or
scientists in the field.
Factors in the Process:
Rivals of the author: People who will trash the paper
Friends of the author: People who will only praise the paper
3) Grading scale of the individual reviewer: Some people are
negative about everything and some are positive about everything.
Overall, the editor tries to make a fair review
committee.Occasionally, there are
some issues because reviewers are anonymous and people often have personal
biases against certain people or types of research.
One example of this issue is the case of Jo Baeler. Baeler is a math
education researcher whose research has been shut down by two other professors who have done shady things to discredit her. Read about it here: http://www.stanford.edu/~joboaler/
So what’s the solution?
Some people have recommended open review where
both authors and reviewers identities are revealed. Here is a Nature paper
about the pros and cons of open peer review http://www.nature.com/nature/peerreview/debate/nature04991.html
Personally, I’m
holding out for robots that can read papers.
Until then, the peer review process will stay in place.
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